Saturday 5 April 2014

Wheatsheaf, Little Gomersal, Cleckheaton

A Saturday trip out to the middle of nowhere brought us to the Wheatsheaf in the tiny village of Little Gomersal – just next to its big brother, Gomersal.

The Wheatsheaf sells itself as a gastropub so I thought I’d try out their Mini Beer Battered Fish and Chips with Yorkshire Caviar! (their exclamation mark not mine) at £7.50. I could have had two courses for £10 but there wasn’t fish and chips on the starter menu.

The meal came on a big round white plate with a decent sized fish on top of the chips and a metal bucket of mushy peas and a metal pot of tartare.

The fish was stunning. The best I’d had in a long time with big flaky pieces of incredibly fresh fish.

The chips were the perfect depth of colour and the flavour was stunning. A delicate buttery flavoured chunk of potato encased in a dark brown crispy crunch. They could have been a little crunchier for my taste but it would be very harsh to criticise chips of this quality.

The mushy peas came in a mini metal bucket. Metal is a good conductor and the peas inside were very hot. This left me with two rather painful fingers as I picked it up first time. The second portion I took from the bucket was with my fork! The taste was good with a deep pea flavour and a little subtle mint coming through. Unfortunately they had been over-mushed and therefore were far too runny and created pea lava on the plate.

Thankfully the tartare was thicker than the peas and had an enjoyable complementary sharpness.

A big piece of flat leaf parsley and a decent piece of lemon wedge were provided and the salt and vinegar were within easy reach. The meal was washed down with Ossett Yorkshire Blonde and loud 80s soft rock in the background.

Overall a good meal at a good price and I’ll be back when my peas have cooled down.

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