Sunday 24 August 2014

Castle Chippy, Clitheroe

According to many on TripAdvisor the Castle Chippy is superb. More evidence that TripAdvisor isn’t always the most reliable place to get recommendations.

We parked up near the chip shop and I popped in for two portions of fish and chips plus a large portion of peas which came to the incredibly reasonable price of £9.50. Tragically what I saw coming out of the display section of the range were two incredibly uniform pieces of fish that wouldn’t have looked out of place in a Birds Eye frozen battered fish packet. I was feeling anxious!

The chippy does have a small table but it was a wee bit cramped so we drove to the car park next to the outstanding Swan with Two Necks pubs in the charming village of Pendleton.

Thankfully it wasn’t Birds Eye but fresh fish that just happened to be similarly shaped. The fish itself had a good flavour and chunky flakes that on its own was good, but it was let down by the batter which was far too oily and tasted like it had been sat in the display cabinet for too long.

The chips were pretty poor - both limp and anaemic. They did taste of potato but the heavy flavour of oil overwhelmed any quality chip taste.

The mushy peas on the other hand tasted of virtually nothing. They had been boiled to within an inch of their lives and had lost the will to hold on to any flavour some hours ago.

On the positive side they had provided excellent plastic forks which meant that you could avoid getting your hands too oily.

A genuinely disappointing chip shop experience and I was reminded of its oiliness for a few hours more as the meal sat heavily on my stomach.

One chippy that’s definitely off the list.

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